Mgr. Jan Pěchota (Katedra blízkovýchodních studií, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni), Migration in the southern Mediterranean: 2,000 years of looking for the Berber race (Bayreuth)
Datum: 28. listopadu 2018, 18.15
Pořadatel: Univerzita Bayreuth
Místo: Univerzita Bayreuth - GEO
Jazyky přednášky: angličtina
Berbers are generally considered as „original inhabitants of North Africa “, but it would be a fallacy to believe they have developed over many centuries into a homogeneous grouping, and many differences remain whether political, cultural or linguistic. They do not refer to themselves using the word „Berber“, which is basically a label for the term „Other”, and in actual fact they do not even possess an equivalent for this word. Because most of the resources for studying the history of the Berbers are of non-Berber origin and the Berbers were for the lion share of last 2,000 years incorporated into various foreign kingdoms and empires, they were historically always considered as just the “Others”, and even the theories of their own origin that were mistakenly attributed to them were often shaped by those who occupied their land. These wrongly attributed theories and how they always reveal much more about the nature of those attributing them, as opposed to those to whom they were attributed, will form the basis of this lecture.
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